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Vitamin D
Vitamin D is made in our bodies when the sun shines on our skin. It helps to regulate how much calcium and phosphate we have, which are important nutrients that we need to keep our bones, teeth and muscles healthy.
Production from sunlight isn't the only way to get Vitamin D - it can also be found in oily fish like salmon and sardines, as well as red meat, eggs, milk and butter. If you don't get enough in your diet or from the sun, many people also take it as a supplement.
A lack of Vitamin D, or Vitamin D deficiency, often won't cause any symptoms at first. If it gets more severe, you may get aches, cramps and muscle pain. Over time, it can also cause weak and brittle bones and increase your risk of osteoporosis
As a general guide, it can take between 6-20 minutes (depending on skin tone) during the summer to get your daily dose of Vitamin D. In winter it can take more than an hour due to the sun being weaker.
For more information, check out the following link: https://healthify.nz/hauora-wellbeing/v/vitamin-d/