09 550 2146 (24hr) In an emergency dial 111
June Health & Wellness update
The shortest day of the year is now behind us, and we hope that you are staying warm and well as the colder months set in.
We wanted to provide you with some updates on what’s happening in and around OneCare Health over the next few months.
To keep up with the latest, be sure to follow us on Facebook.
Ōtāhuhu opening hours
We want to make sure our team are available and here to help you, as you need and expect from us. With the winter chills arriving and bringing sickness, along with the nationwide shortage of healthcare workers, our team are experiencing staff shortages. To ensure we can provide you with the care you need, when you need it, we are temporarily updating our opening hours.
From 1 July 2024, our OneCare Ōtāhuhu practice will be temporarily closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, however we’ll continue to operate from Wednesday to Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm. The clinic will remain closed as usual over the weekend.
There are no changes to OneCare Papatoetoe and the practice and will continue to be open Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm, as usual.
We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please contact our reception team on 09 550 2146 or email ocoreception@onecarehealth.co.nz.
Our main reception line will continue to be available Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm, so if you are in Ōtāhuhu and needing support, our team will be available with a nurse via phone. If it is an emergency, please call 111.
We will keep you up to date with any further changes.
Appointment cancellations
To ensure we can continue to take care of all our patients as required, please be sure to turn up to your booked appointments.
As you can understand, appointments are currently in high demand. If you find yourself in the position where you can no longer make your scheduled appointment, please contact us to let us know as soon as possible, so we can cancel or reschedule your appointment, and release this for another patient.
We appreciate your help in keeping appointments available for those who need them.
Dr Sam & Dr Maysa on the move
From 1 July, Dr Sam and Dr Maysa are on the move to Mt Smart Medical Centre. We want to say a huge thank you to them both for their support and dedication to their patients.
If you normally see Dr Sam or Dr Maysa, you will be able to select another GP when you book your next appointment. If you need help selecting a GP that suits your needs, please contact our friendly reception team to have a chat.
If you live in the Mt Smart area and would like to continue seeing Dr Sam or Dr Maysa, please contact reception@allhealthmtsmart.co.nz if you would like to move your enrolment to Mt Smart Medical (please note, this will unenrol you from OneCare Health).
Service fee changes
From early July, to ensure we can continue to provide the best possible care for our patients, some service fees will be increasing (such as cervical screening, ECG, ear suctioning etc.). If you think this may impact your next appointment, please feel free to ask one of the team for accurate pricing at the time of your appointment.
Please note: Standard appointment fees are not increasing.
Research opportunities for Māori/Pasifika (University of Auckland)
The University of Auckland is offering free tinnitus consultations and hearing checks for our adult Māori/Pasifika community members, and an opportunity to take part in research with the University of Auckland's audiology department.
If you have any questions at all, please contact Dunja Vajsakovic via email (d.vajsakovic@auckland.ac.nz) or click here for more information about the research.
Ōtāhuhu road closures
On Tuesday 2 July, there will be filming on High St outside OneCare Ōtāhuhu, resulting in road diversions. Our Ōtāhuhu clinic will be closed on this day, however, if you are travelling in the area please plan an alternative route.
As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our reception team on 09 550 2146 or email ocoreception@onecarehealth.co.nz.