09 550 2146 (24hr) In an emergency dial 111
Changes to fees from 1 August
From the start of August, we have some slight changes to both our prescription and doctors’ fees.
For prescriptions, standard 48-hour requests will now cost $18, while urgent 24-hour requests will cost $30. Please note that both of these are only available weekdays. Remember that you can also request your prescription repeats via Health365 or call our reception team on 09 550 2146 before you run out.
To make sure that we can continue to offer you the best healthcare services, our fees are also changing slightly when you see your doctor:
Under 14s - no charge
14-17 years - now $13
18+ - remains $19.50
If you have any further questions about either of these changes, please call reception on 09 550 2146.